Welcome To The Minnesota Star Tribune's Recruiting Site!

Post on the #1 local media site! $360

  • Your 30 day job posting starts with 2 options
  • Upgrade your posting with enhancements including performance boosters, targeted audience networks or niche industry networks.
  • Save money by purchasing multiple postings that last all year- view job packs
  • Secure online payment or pay by invoice

To package an online posting with a print ad, discuss job packs or learn about our other digital options, please call 612-673-7799 or email eccjobs@startribune.com.

Post a Job Now

Why use Star Tribune Workplace employer services?

  • Star Tribune is the #1 media company in the Upper Midwest with the largest audience and the most options for reaching and recruiting talent
  • “One-stop Shop” job posting distribution places your ads on all the key job sites through one source, including: Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Twitter, LinkedIn, LatPro and more
  • Advanced programmatic technology helps you reach the best audience in the best locations for your specific job openings
  • Dedicated and highly-experienced Advertising experts work directly with you to achieve the best results

View Posting Options

Reach the total market - active jobseekers AND passive candidates - using Star Tribune recruitment capabilities such as:

  • Audience and Geo Targeted Digital Display & Email
  • Native/Sponsored Content
  • Career Site Retargeting
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Audience Profile Analysis
  • Zip Code Targeted Inserts
  • Print- Full Color Display, Black & White Line Ads

Call to speak with a Star Tribune representative - 612-673-7799 or email eccjobs@startribune.com


Just some of our satisfied employers